Going In: Co-Creating a Greater World From Within
00: GroundworkWelcome Introduction3 Topics
Affirm Your Intentions3 Topics
Make Your Breath Your Ally
Honor the Elements7 Topics|2 Quizzes
01: Explore TruthsWhat is Reality Anyway?
50 Shades of True
Universal Truths
Personal Truths
Programming1 Topic
02: Transcend IllusionsIdentity, Self & Ego2 Topics|1 Quiz
Energies of Life4 Topics
ReconnectOvercoming Traumas, Insecurities & Abuses1 Topic|2 Quizzes
Essentials of Self Care
Passion & Purpose1 Quiz
Manifesting Reality1 Topic
Layers of Love3 Topics
An Attitude of Gratitude1 Topic|2 Quizzes
Completion2 Quizzes
Sustaining Elevation
A World Built on Insecurity
Freedom, Dependence & Interdependence1 Quiz
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
World peace begins with inner peace. How we feel about ourselves directly correlates to the collective world we experience around us. We humans have vast reservoirs of power and capabilities that often go unconditioned in traditional modern society. Beyond having access to this seemlingly limitless bank of opportunity, we are also living during a time when connecting and manifesting is easier than ever! With this comes an inspired responsibility to live truly well, be well, and do well – and thrive in our right as the artists and creators of our own reality.
We welcome you on your journey within, and congratulate you in your decision to better your world. In this, you co-create a greater world for us all.
While Going In, you will be intentionally supported with quintessential tools, life altering exercises, and plenty of twinkling “a-ha” moments. Hopefully you will find that the supportive and loving tone of this course helps brace your deep dive. This work is created as nourishment for empowerment and enrichment that can serve you for life.
Before we begin, let’s review some helpful tips for navigating this journey.