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Going In: Co-Creating a Greater World From Within

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Quiz 11 of15

Freedom Insight

CoCre November 3, 2021

INSIGHT: Explore Your Beliefs

-Create a page or document labeled Free, and list or detail all the things in life that make you feel free in a positive.

-Create a page or document labeled Dependent, and list or detail all the things in life that make you feel dependent on in an unhealthy or burdening way.

-Can you identify root issues of dependency? Can you trace back where these patterns of feelings started?

-Can you see how the patterns of these dependencies have played out in life?

-Where are you resisting feeling interdependent and connecting with others? Why? Where are you feeling like you lack connection or communication with others? Why? Do you resist asking others for help or involvement? Why? Whose outdated words or concepts are you holding onto?

-What kind of constructive visions can you see for yourself when you think about what freedom means to you?