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Going In: Co-Creating a Greater World From Within

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Going In Disclaimer:

The Mission

The mission of the Going In program is to inspire improved individual holistic well-being in greater support of the empowerment of humanity. Accumulated wisdom is help one clear through self-limiting conditioning and reprogram a more clear, higher quality of living.

For Allkind

Going In is for people of all races, places, and faces, of all faiths – or the faithless, for anyone and everyone who would like to improve internal or external conditions. Constructions such as borders and beliefs should not limit human potential as individuals or as an intelligent, cooperative collective.

Health Considerations 

The work of Going In is entirely at your pace and discretion. Certain topics and exercises may touch on triggers or pain points. We encourage you to work through these, especially these – the murky depths of the work to be healed and cleared. If support is needed, we recommend going through these questions or similar conversation prompts with a therapist or mental health expert. This program is not intended to replace medical advice, so contact your medical provider if you feel you need to seek medical attention. We also provide a guide of emergency outreach services and 24/7 phone support groups at (


By subscribing to and working with this course, you agree that no one else is responsible for your behavior or actions with its contents. Within this course, Going In, CoCre, members of the community, or anyone else in the whole universe cannot be held at fault for faults. 


And with this… let’s go on in!