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Going In: Co-Creating a Greater World From Within
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00: GroundworkWelcome Introduction3 Topics
Affirm Your Intentions3 Topics
Make Your Breath Your Ally
Honor the Elements7 Topics|2 Quizzes
01: Explore TruthsWhat is Reality Anyway?
50 Shades of True
Universal Truths
Personal Truths
Programming1 Topic
02: Transcend IllusionsIdentity, Self & Ego2 Topics|1 Quiz
Energies of Life4 Topics
ReconnectOvercoming Traumas, Insecurities & Abuses1 Topic|2 Quizzes
Essentials of Self Care
Passion & Purpose1 Quiz
Manifesting Reality1 Topic
Layers of Love3 Topics
An Attitude of Gratitude1 Topic|2 Quizzes
Completion2 Quizzes
Sustaining Elevation
A World Built on Insecurity
Freedom, Dependence & Interdependence1 Quiz
Lesson Progress
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Exercise: Tonight before you go to sleep: intend to wake up and reach for something that feels good. Then lie in your bed long enough to find something that feels good, and don’t ask the momentum to be too strong, just ask for it to be soft and in alignment, and trust that the law of attraction will make it more day after day.
Prove to yourself the power of your focus and let the universe demonstrate to you the perfection of your goodness. We wish for you to know the powerful goodness with which you have come forth into the physical experience and we want you to live the promise that you made yourself–the happily every after promise, the uplifting promise, the life is satisfying promise.