Costa Rica’s White Hawk Foundation Protects One of Earth’s Most Biodiverse Rainforests

On lush Osa Peninsula, home to Costa Rica’s Corcovado National Park rainforest, you can walk for “two and a half days” without seeing structures and signs of mankind, according to White Hawk founder Lana Wedmore.

For nearly three decades, Lana has been living on the Osa Peninsula, where she runs Luna Lodge, a highly sustainable eco-lodge retreat, and has been immersing herself fully in the local culture. She currently serves as VP of the Wellness Costa Rica Association, a group committed to furthering sustainable programs and solutions for the country’s locals and tourists. She previously served as President of the Association for Integral Development of Corcovado for ten years, and President of the Chamber of Tourism of Corcovado.

Realizing that “we must save the rain forests to save ourselves”, Lana established the White Hawk Foundation for the benefit of the community – building infrastructure, culture, education, health, security, sustainable tourism and environmental protection to ensure responsible growth near the Corcovado National Park.

THE WHITE HAWK MISSION: To promote the preservation of the ecosystems and biodiversity of the Osa Peninsula by engaging communities, research institutions, and businesses in a sustainable symbiotic relationship with nature.


The White Hawk Foundation’s main function has involved raising funds to purchase land that is critical in the protection of the wildlife on the Osa Peninsula. Contributions have enabled them to acquire and protect land that could have been devastated by commercial or agricultural development. To date the foundation has raised funds for the purchase of two of the 12 pieces available. This land has been donated to a conservation easement, protecting it into perpetuity.


  1.  The WHF wishes to develop the first center of environmental education and first biological collection of the Osa Peninsula that will facilitate the understanding and appreciation of the flora and fauna to promote its protection.

  2. To collaborate with national and international research institutions, organizations and businesses to improve the understanding and exploration of one of the most biodiverse places on earth.

  3. To create a buffer zone and expand critical habitat corridors around the Corcovado National Park by acquiring privately held lands along the borders to ensure the survival of native populations and to prevent isolation and extinction.

  4. To achieve a conservation model of sustainability in our local community and beyond.



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